Psychological and Behavioral Concerns and Counseling
Psychological and Behavioral Concerns and Counseling
The Developmental and Behavioral Services Resource Guide is solely intended to provide information to patients and their families about public and private agency resources which serve the needs of children with developmental and behavioral issues. The Guide should not be considered an endorsement of any program or service. Patients and their families are advised to carefully consider such resources in consultation with their personal physician.
Adaptive Services Inc.
Professional: Gloria Coltharp, LCSW
Address: 2237 Park Road • Charlotte, NC 28203
Phone: (704) 372-0020
Sliding Scale: No Medicaid: No Insurance: Some
Comments: Psychotherapy for ages 18-90 years for individuals, couples or families.
Alexander Youth Network
Professional: Staff of LCSW’s, Psychologists and Psychiatrists
Address: 6220 Thermal Road • Charlotte, NC 28211
Phone: (704) 362-8470 Fax: (704) 362-6751
Sliding Scale: Yes Medicaid: Yes Insurance: Yes
Comments: Provides treatment to children with serious emotional and behavioral problems such as ADD, physical or verbal aggression, abuse, clinical depression, uncontrollable tantrums/outbursts, academic delays and post traumatic stress syndrome. Willing to work with families on payment arrangements.
Behavioral Health Center – CMC Randolph (Inpatient)
Professionals: David Lelio, MD; Walter Schmalstieg, MD; James MacIntyre, MD; and William Hartnagel, MD
Address: 501 Billingsley Road • Charlotte, NC 28211
Phone: (704) 444-2400
Sliding Scale: Yes Medicaid: Yes Insurance: Yes
Comments: Inpatient psychological and acute care, crisis stabilization unit, psychiatric ER. For Mecklenburg County Residents only; ages 3-17. If beds are available, will take out-of-county residents.
Behavioral Health Center- CMC Randolph (Outpatient)
Professionals: David Lelio, MD and Walter Schmalstieg, MD
Address: 501 Billingsley Road • Charlotte, NC 28211
Phone: (704) 444-2400
Sliding Scale: Yes Medicaid: Yes Insurance: Yes
Comments: General outpatient all ages. Medical clinic all ages. Juvenile sex offenders program. School-based services for CMC. Psychiatric ER- 24 hours/7 days a week.
Behavioral Health Center- CMC Randolph (Partial Hospitalization Program)
Professional: Mitsuko Shannon, MD
Address: 330 Billingsley Road • Charlotte, NC 28211
Phone: (704) 444-2444
Sliding Scale: Yes Medicaid: Yes Insurance: Yes
Comments: Day treatment and partial hospitalization ages 6 - 18. Adolescent IOP- 13-17. Mental Health/ SA/ Dual Diagnosis.
Behavioral Pediatric and Anxiety Disorders
Professional: Donna Dillon-Stout, PhD
Address: 309 S. Sharon Amity Road, Suite 302 • Charlotte, NC 28211
Phone: (704) 442-0083 Fax: (704) 442-8103
Sliding Scale: No Medicaid: No Insurance: Yes
Comments: Psychological services specializing in treatment of behavioral/medical problems and anxiety, including obsessive compulsive disorder. Primarily treat young children through young adults. Patients must pay at time of visit and may be reimbursed by insurance depending on their policy.
Blue Ridge Behavior Systems, Inc.
Professional: Madalyn Tyson, PhD
Address, Office Visits: 16147 Lancaster Hwy., Suite 110 • Charlotte, NC 28277
Address, Mailing: 16426 Hawfield Woods Lane • Charlotte, NC 28277
Phone: (704) 540-4291, Ext. 1 Fax: (704) 541-0319
Sliding Scale: No Medicaid: No Insurance: Yes
Comments: Specializing in children and adolescents, all issues related to behavioral, emotional and educational issues; family therapy; parent training; adults for some issues related to adjustment and relationships; also specializing in persons with developmental disabilities, autism, asperger’s disorder, LD, ADHD, sexual abuse; custody and visitation issues.
Cameron Valley Psychotherapy and Counseling Associates
Address: 6845 Fairview Road and 6809 Fairview Road • Charlotte, NC 28210
Phone: (704) 365-7777
*Sliding Scale: Yes Medicaid: No Insurance: Yes
* All therapists are in private practice. Not all accept sliding scale. No Medicaid providers. Therapists choose which insurance plans to participate with. They do not file insurance for Cameron Valley as a group.
Comments: Large practice with multiple providers offering a wide range of services for children, adolescents and adults.
Carolina Psychological Associates
Address: 429 S. Sharon Amity Road, Suite C • Charlotte, NC 28211
Phone: (704) 362-0030 Fax: (704) 362-2161
Sliding Scale: No Medicaid: No Insurance: Yes
Comments: Counseling and assessment for children, adolescents, and parents. Children ages 18 months - 21 years. Cash, charge or check accepted and payment is due at time of service.
Carolinas Counseling Group
Address: 7401 Carmel Executive Park, Suite 210 • Charlotte, NC 28226
Phone: (704) 752-8414 Fax: (704) 752-8104
Sliding Scale: No Medicaid: No Insurance: No
Comments: Individual, marriage and family counseling from a Christian perspective for adults and children ages 5 and up. Includes mood and personality disorders, spiritual issues, conflict resolution and some assessments including ADHD.
Center for Creativity and Healing
Professionals: Maria Curran, LPC; Heather Fangman; Jaime Moffett; Nancy Russo
Address: 4728 Park Road • Charlotte, NC 28209
Phone: (704) 523-5567
Contact Name: Maria Curran
Sliding Scale: Yes - On Limited Basis Medicaid: No Insurance: No
Comments: Ages 3+ to Adult. Individual and family counseling, play therapy, expressive arts therapy; parenting education, consulting, workshops.
Charlotte Behavioral Health Associates
Professional: Melanie Powell, PhD, Pediatric Neuropsychologist
Professional: Irv Edelstein, LCSW (adolescent psychotherapy)
Address: 501 S. Sharon Amity Road, Suite 500 • Charlotte, NC 28211
Phone: (704) 362-1555 Fax: (704) 362-0023
Sliding Scale: No Medicaid: No Insurance: Some
Comments: Provides psychotherapy for children, adolescents and adults. Psychological evaluations for all ages. Forensic consultation. Group therapy for all ages. Marital and family therapy. Neuropsychological evaluation. There are 5 private practitioners in this practice. Each practitioner has their own polices. Some accept insurance and some do not. Therapy fees range from $120-$140 an hour.
Charlotte Psychotherapy and Consultation Group
Address: 417-A S. Sharon Amity Road • Charlotte, NC 28211
Phone: (704) 364-0452 Fax: (704) 364-5481
Sliding Scale: Limited Basis Medicaid: No Insurance: No
Comments: Evaluation and treatment of children, adolescents and family.
Charlotte TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children) Center
Address: 5701 Executive Center Drive, Suite 108 • Charlotte, NC 28212
Phone: (704) 563-4103 Fax: (704) 563-4112
Sliding Scale: No Medicaid: No Insurance: No
Comments: Evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and training in autism. All ages are eligible for services. This is a state supported agency. Services are free for NC residents. Fees apply for out-of-state referrals. For out-of-state referrals, the initial screening is free. Fees apply for diagnosis, evaluation and treatment. Fees are payable in advance of sessions. It is up to the family to apply for insurance reimbursement.
Child and Adolescent Community Support- Division of Area Mental Health
Address: 3430 Wheatley Avenue (Tom Ray Center) • Charlotte, NC 28205
Phone: (704) 336-2227 Fax: (704) 353-0390
Sliding Scale: Yes Medicaid: Yes Insurance: Yes
Comments: Provides mental health treatment for children between the ages of 5-18. Residents of Mecklenburg County who have been diagnosed with a mental health, developmental disability or substance abuse disorder are eligible for services. Wide range of treatments available. Services are billed to the appropriate funding source. Clients are not denied services based on inability to pay for care.
Child and Family Development
Midtown Address: 4012 Park Road, Suite 200 • Charlotte NC 28209
Phone: (704) 332-4834 Fax: (704) 372-9653
South Charlotte Address: 10516 Park Road • Charlotte NC 28210
(704) 541-9080 Fax: (704) 542- 0699
Sliding Scale: No Medicaid: Yes (speech therapist only) Insurance: Yes
Comments: Since 1980, their team of more than 30 therapists has helped Charlotte-area families. Multi-disciplinary services: occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech therapy, as well as educational assessment and tutoring and psychological assessment and counseling. Specialties: ASD Clinic, ADHD Clinic, child psychiatrist, neuropsychologist, social skills programs. Offices near Park Road Shopping Center and CMC-Pineville. Accept and file private pay, in-network (Aetna, BCBS) and out-of-network benefits.
CMG Psychiatric and Psychological Associates
Address: 501 Billingsley Road • Charlotte, NC 28211
Phone: (704) 358-2744 Fax: (704) 358-2945
Sliding Scale: No Medicaid: No Insurance: Yes
Comments: Faculty model physician and psychological group - all ages.
Dilworth Psychotherapy Associates
Jane Patterson, MSW, LCSW • 704-334-4300 •
Meg Houlihan, PhD • 704-376-8484 •
Address: 708 East Boulevard • Charlotte, NC 28203
Fax: (704) 334-8639
Sliding Scale: Sometimes Medicaid: No Insurance: Yes
Comments: Provide individual, family and marital counseling, treatment for ADD and ADHD, testing and psychological assessments.
Journey to Wellness
Professionals: David Litman, MSW, LCSW; Teri Layzell, MSW, LCSW; Julianne Gold Brunson, PhD
Contact Person: Teri Layzell
Address: 8801 J. M. Keynes Drive, Suite 405 • Charlotte, NC 28262
Phone: (704) 926-5030 Fax: (704) 927-0482
Sliding Scale: Yes Medicaid: Yes Insurance: Yes
Comments: Outpatient mental health therapy, consultation, advocacy and education. Services are available for all ages. They serve individuals and families impacted by hearing loss. Their work is culturally competant and sensitive. Their staff is fluent in American Sign Language.
Kids Central of the Carolinas
(with Elon Homes and Schools for Children)
Address: 1717 Sharon Road West • Charlotte, NC 28210
Contact person: Karen Amrhein
Phone: (704) 688-2983 Fax: (704) 369-2502
Sliding Scale: Yes Medicaid: Yes Insurance: Some
Comments: Services include individual, family and group counseling, assessments and psychological testing.
L & B Counseling, PLLC
Professional: Trent Morrow, MSW, LCSW
Address: 1400 Harding Place, Suite 250 • Charlotte, NC 28204
Phone: (704) 995-7312 Fax: (704) 973-0752
Sliding Scale: No Medicaid: Yes Insurance: Yes
Comments: Provides counseling for children, adolescents and adults; individual, family, couples, and group therapy.
Levine Children's Hospital Center for Disordered Eating
Professionals: Preeti Matkins, MD
Contact Person: Courtney Schauder, RD
Address: 3541 Randolph Road, Suite 206 • Charlotte, NC 28211
Phone: (704) 381-8375 Fax: (704) 381-8832
Sliding Scale: Yes Medicaid: Yes Insurance: Yes
Comments: Provides outpatient family-based treatment for eating disorders. Includes medical and nutritional therapy for patients (male and female ages 11-22) with disordered eating. Co-payment is due at time of service.
Mecklenburg Psychological Group
Address: 1132 Greenwood Cliff • Charlotte, NC 28204
Phone: (704) 376-6577 Fax: (704) 335-8941
Sliding Scale: No Medicaid: No Insurance: Yes
Comments: Psychological services include individual therapy, family therapy, marital counseling. They see children ages 12 and up. Payment or co-payment is due at time of service.
Melange Health Solutions
Professionals: Silvia Luccernini, MD; Angela Hargrow, PhD; Nikki Collins, LPC, LCAS; Julie Douglas, LCSW; Jayme Yodice, LPA; Natasha Pemberton-Todd, LPC; Scott Evans, LPC, LCAS; Renee Jones, LPC; Monika Cambric, LPC
Contact Person: Mark Brown, Principal
Address: 145-B Scaleybark Road • Charlotte, NC 28209
Phone: (704) 567-8690 Fax: (704) 536-6030
Sliding Scale: Yes Medicaid/NC HealthChoice: Yes Insurance: Yes
Comments: Outpatient Therapy (Individual, Family, Group) for all ages; Intensive In-Home Services for ages 5-17; Community Support Team for ages 18+; Targeted Case Management for all ages; Substance Abuse Intensive Outpatient Program for all ages; Psychosocial Rehabilitation for ages 18+; Psychiatric Evaluations and Medication Management for all ages; Psychological Testing for all ages; Health and Wellness Evaluations for all ages; Mental Health and Diagnostic Assessment for all ages; Crisis Response for all ages; Benefits Bank and Translation.
Mercy Horizons Inpatient Services
Address: 2001 Vail Avenue • Charlotte, NC 28207
Phone (704) 304-5248 Fax: (704) 379-5514
Sliding Scale: No Medicaid: Yes Insurance: Yes
Comments: Inpatient medical detoxification for patients 18 and up. Outpatient detox program for opiate addiction if criteria is met. The only medical detox in Mecklenburg County. Fee assessment for adult substance with no referral. Relationship to children: at-risk children often have parents with alcohol or substance abuse issues. 24 hr./365 day call center staffed by RN's or Master's level clinicians to assist in assessment, intervention and placement.
Mercy Horizons Outpatient Services
Address: 1816 Lyndhurst Avenue • Charlotte, NC
Phone: (704) 446-0391 Fax: (704) 348-4057
Sliding Scale: No Medicaid: Yes Insurance: Yes
Comments: Intensive outpatient treatment for alcohol and drug abuse ages 18 and up. Day and evening programs available. Family treatment component offered. Many families' alcohol or substance abuse problems are first discovered through their children. DWI assessment available.
Newcastle Family Therapy, PLLC
Professional: Laurie W. Howell, LMFT
Address: 1914 Brunswick Avenue, Suite 1B • Charlotte, NC 28207
Phone: (704) 650-9425 Fax: (704) 973-0752
Sliding Scale: Limited circumstances Medicaid: Yes Insurance: CBHA, Healthchoice and BCBS NC only
Comments: Provides individual, family, and group therapy to children, adolescents, and young adults treating depression, anxiety, defiance, self-injury, school anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
North Carolina Neuropsychiatry, PA
Address: 6911 Shannon Willow Road, Suite 100 • Charlotte, NC 28226
Phone: (704) 529-4101 Fax: (704) 529-6655
Sliding Scale: No Medicaid: No Insurance: No
Comments: Concentrating on workers compensation cases and legal cases - neuropsychiatric and psychiatric evaluation for children, adolescents, and adults. Areas of expertise include brain injury, ADD/ADHD, mild cognitive impairment, learning disabilities, autism and mental retardation, rare or unusual neuropsychiatric disorders and general psychiatry. Services include evaluation and consultation, neurocognitive testing, day treatment programs, medication management, counseling and clinical trials.
Novant Health Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics
Professionals: Barbara E. Kissam, MD, and Caitlin N. Rissler, NP
Address: 1900 Randolph Road, Suite 1014 • Charlotte, NC 28207
Phone: (704) 316-1155 Fax: (704) 316-1160
Sliding Scale: Yes Medicaid: Yes Insurance: Yes
Comments: Ages 0-22, 90 minute intake evaluations and close followup, coordination of services, medical management, behavioral counseling. Services/conditions treated: autism spectrum disorders, ADHD/ADD, learning disabilities, depression, anxiety/OCD/panic, ODD, bipolar disorder, reactive attachment disorder, developmental delay, various genetic disorders (such as Down Syndrome, Fragile X, Angelmans, Prader Willi, etc.), NICU grads with developmental issues, behavioral problems.
Psychological Services of Charlotte, Inc.
Professionals: Louise Biller, LCSW; Sarah M. Carley, LPA; Anthony Craghead, PsyD; Anne-Marie Cummings, MSN, LCSW; Brian R. Monteleone, PhD; Myriam Rabaste, LPC; Jeff Shook, LPC; Camille Patti, NP
Address: 1923 J. N. Pease Place, Suite 204 • Charlotte, NC 28262
Phone: (704) 503-3535 Fax: (704) 593-5555
Sliding Scale: No Medicaid: No Insurance: Yes
Comments: Age 5 through Adult: Individual Therapy; Group Counseling (DBT, Teen Groups); Sport Psychology; EAP; Psychological and Education Testing.
Laurie Reed, LCSW
Address: 118 S. Colonial Avenue, Suite 300 • Charlotte, NC 28207
Phone: (704) 335-8716 Fax: (704) 335-8717
Sliding Scale: No Medicaid: Yes Insurance: Yes
Comments: Services include child and adolescent counseling. Specialize in adjustment disorders, abuse, and family counseling.
Safe Alliance
Address: 19901 W. Catawba Avenue, Suite 203, Johnsbury Square • Cornelius, NC 28031
Phone: (704) 655-8745 Fax: (704) 373-1604
Address: 601 East Fifth Street, Suite 400 • Charlotte, NC 28202
Phone: (704) 332-9034 Fax: (704) 373-1604
Sliding Scale: Yes Medicaid: No Insurance: No
Comments: Provides counseling for victims of sexual assault, child sexual abuse and child abuse.
Lisa A. Seropian, Psy.D., P.A.
Address: 5940 Monroe Road, Ste. 204, Charlotte, NC. 28212-6106
Phone: 704-776-6438 Fax: 844-270-8146
Sliding Scale: Yes Medicaid: No Insurance: Yes
Comments: Psychotherapy for those ages 6 and up for grief/loss and for mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. Parenting consultation available. Insurance: In network with Aetna and with all BlueCross plans (except BlueLocal). Sliding scale available for those with demonstrated need.
Southeast Psychological Services
SouthPark Address: 6060 Piedmont Row Drive South, Suite 120 • Charlotte, NC 28287
Phone: (704) 552-0116 Fax: 704-552-7550
Blakeney Address: 15720 Brixham Hill Avenue, Suite 150 • Charlotte, NC 28277
Phone: (704) 970-4791 Fax: 970-4794
Sliding Scale: No Medicaid: No Insurance: No
Comments: Outpatient therapy for individuals, groups and families. Psychological assessments: LD, ADHD, parent capacity, etc. Consultations with parents and professionals and in-service training. All ages 0-adult. There are 26 therapists: some specialize in children, adolescents and families; see website for bios.
The Stone Center for Counseling & Leadership
Contact Name: Leslie Petruk
Address: 1106 Harding Place • Charlotte, NC 28204
Phone: (704) 665-0065 Fax: (704) 335-4001
Sliding Scale: No Medicaid: Yes Insurance: Yes
Comments: Provides professional counseling and consultation services to children (ages 3+), adolescents, adults, couples and families. Skilled therapists bring many years of experience from a wide variety of specialty areas. Provide comprehensive coordination of care and a team approach in serving individuals and families. Also specialize in serving children and families affected by chronic illness and special needs with the emphasis on supporting the whole family as they face the varied challenges of having a child with medical issues. They conduct seminars, presentations and workshops on a variety of topics.
Teen Health Connection
Address: 3541 Randolph Road, Suite 206 • Charlotte, NC 28211
Phone: (704) 381-8336 Fax: (704) 381-8832
Sliding Scale: Yes Medicaid: Yes Insurance: Yes
Comments: Provides affordable, assessable physical and mental health care for young men and women ages 11-21, emphasizing a family-centered approach. To serve as a health education and advocacy resource to teens, their families and the community.
University Psychological Associates
Address: 100001 Old Concord Road • Charlotte, NC 28213
Phone: (704) 547-1483 Fax: (704) 547-0052
Sliding Scale: Yes Medicaid: No Medicare: Yes Insurance: Yes
Comments: Services provided include individual counseling, academic testing, family therapy, ADHD, anxiety, behavioral problems, depression, divorce/separation, grief counseling, physical/sexual abuse, gay/lesbian issues.